Independent Contractor vs. Employee Comparison Chart

Independent Contractor vs. Employee Comparison Chart

Generally provides services to more than one company
Usually works for only one employer
Sets his or her own hours
Works the hours set by the employer
Works out of his or her own office or home
Usually works at the employer’s place of business
Does not receive employment benefits
Often receives employment benefits, such as health and disability insurance
Works relatively independently
Works under the control and direction of the employer
Incurs the costs associated with performing the job
Tends not to incur costs or make investments in the work
Has acquired very specialized skills and comes to the work relationship with a particularized education or experience background
Has a general education and experience background, and receives special training from the employer in order to do the job better
Is not subject to tax or FICA withholding, but pays his or her own self-employment tax
Receives net salary after employer has withheld income tax, Social Security and Medicare tax under FICA
Is not eligible for unemployment compensation benefits
Is likely eligible to receive unemployment compensation after layoff or termination
Is not eligible for worker’s compensation benefits
Will receive worker’s compensation benefits for any workplace injury
Generally can be let go by the company for any reason, at any time
Generally can be terminated by the employer only for good cause and with notice
Is paid according to the terms of the contract, and does not receive additional compensation for overtime hours worked
Is covered by federal and state wage and hours laws such as minimum wage and overtime rules

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